
Monday 4 May 2015

Can a woman get pregnant on her period?

Can a woman get pregnant on her period?

The answer you are seeking for. Yes she can. In fact, a woman can get pregnant at any point during her cycle. Whether if she is on her first day, last day or during her bleeding state. She can get pregnant. Evenly, it is correct to say that the safest way to not get pregnant is to abstain from sex. Now let’s be real. Birth control methods are not effective. In fact, it’s sometimes not the safest.
Hence forth, the only way to not get pregnant is to not have sex. Period. In fact, each time the male sex organ (penis) is inserted in to the vagina, your chances of getting pregnant, regardless of whether you are on birth control, using the rhythm method, or a condom ( or any other methods or any sort), regardless, you can get pregnant.

When a man is sexually aroused, the penis secrets a clear viscous liquid called "pre-cum".
This may also be known as pre-ejaculatory fluid or pre-seminal fluid.
What many persons don’t know is that this fluid contains sperm, (a small amount) which can be just enough to get you pregnant. So withdrawal, is not a good method of birth control.

Another factor to consider whether a woman can get pregnant is ovulation period. Ovulation is when a fertile egg is released from one of the ovaries into the fallopian tube. Ovulation period differs from woman to woman, because each one of us is different.
Menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman. The average cycle for a woman last
an average of 28 days. Now, to understand the chance of pregnancy, you have to understand your cycle. If you don’t understand your cycle you don’t understand yourself. However, it can be just as easy to lose track of your period. Why? There are many factors to consider every month.
1. Diet
2. Lifestyle
3. Exercise
4. Stress/ depression
5. Sickness etc.
These vary from person to person, every month. As a result, it may be difficult to pin point the exact

date of ovulation, even if you have a regular period. Rhythm method, not a safe method either.

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